The Staff of St Mary's!
See below who the staff are in our School!
Head Teacher - Mrs Curran
Depute Head Teacher - Mrs Storrier
Senior Early Years Practitioner - Mrs Melville
P1a - Mrs Callaghan and Miss Wilson
P1b - Mrs Docherty
P2 - Miss Lyall
P2/3 - Mrs Mathieson
P3 - Mrs MacCallum
P4 - Mrs Murray
P4/5 - Mrs Edwards and Mrs Gould
P5 - Miss Dick
P6 - Mrs McIlravey and Mrs Small
P6/7 - Miss Mulholland
P7 - Mr White
RCCT - Mrs Fleming
Miss Flynn
Support Staff - Mrs Glass, Mrs Thomson, Mrs Dix, Miss McIntosh, Mrs Balfour , Mrs McGowan and Miss Galligan
Office Staff - Mrs Hughes
Family Support Officer - Tara Godfrey
Nursery - Mrs Thomson, Mrs Gordon, Mrs Widera, Miss Richardson and Miss Small