Frequently Asked Questions

Have a look at some of our frequently asked questions!

What if my child is ill?

Please inform the school when your child is absent. This gives us an indication of any illnesses which are causing particular problems in. Any child suffering from sickness or upset tummy must not attend nursery until at least 48hours have passed since the last symptom.

Will staff give my child any medicine when required?

Staff are permitted to administer certain medicines with the agreement of the SEYP/School SLT and completion of appropriate forms. However, children should be kept at home until deemed well enough to attend nursery. If your child has a medical condition and may require medication e.g. the use of an inhaler.

What happens if my child has an accident at nursery?

If your child has an accident which causes a minor injury e.g. grazed knee, it will be dealt with by a member of staff. You will receive a slip stating what happened and how it was dealt with.  We will ask you to sign 2 copies of this—one for our records and for your information.

If the accident is a head/face injury, we will contact you as soon as possible to inform you.

If it is a more serious injury, you will be informed immediately or as soon as you can be contacted. Your child will be taken to the Accident and Emergency Department with a member of staff in attendance. The accident will be investigated, action taken if necessary and written up in the  Accident Book.

Do I have to pay for lunches?

Two course meals are available for all children free of charge. We do try to encourage children to take the lunch option, as this is a good way for children to try different foods in a different setting.  You may provide a healthy packed lunch to nursery, for the days when you think your child may not like either of the choices available for meals.  

How is the nursery regulated?

The nursery is inspected regularly by the Care Inspectorate and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate.  If any areas for further development are highlighted, an action plan for improvement is prepared and implemented by nursery staff.

What do I do if I have a complaint about the nursery?

In the first instance, any complaint about the nursery should be addressed to Mrs Natalie Melville or a member of the Senior Management Team in the school– Mrs A Curran or Mrs E Storrier.  If the problem cannot be resolved, you may seek further help from Dundee City Council Children and Families service.

The Care Inspectorate also has a complaints procedure. Details are available, please just ask.

Does the nursery have policies on various subjects?

The nursery has an extensive range of policies which can be accessed by speaking to a member of staff.


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