Key Dates
Here you will find some key dates as they come up!
Dates for Diaries
School Dates for Term 3 (So far.......)
- 27th January - Burns Week Competition
- 31st January - Burns Week Ceilidh
- 2nd March - School led Holy Mass (Sunday)
- 7th February - Expressive Arts Transition Day for P7s
- 11th February - Holy Mass led by P4 (Our Lady of Lourdes)
- 12th February - House Day led by Victoria
- 14th February - Midterm holiday
- 17th February - Midterm holiday
- 18th February - Inservice Day
- 19th February - Pupil Progress Evening
- 20th February - Pupil Progress Evening
- 26th February - Upper Show - Annie
- 27th February - Upper Show - Annie
- 5th March - Ash Wednesday led by P3
- 6th March - World Book Day
- 12th March - Cluster Dance Show
- 16th March - School led Holy Mass (Sunday)
- 25th March - Holy Mass led by P2/3 (Feast of the Assumption)
- 26th March - House Day led by Balgay
- 28th March - End of Term
Sacramental Dates
- 15th April - Penitential Service & 2nd Reconciliation - 6pm in the Church
- 20th May - Sacrament of Confirmation - 6pm in the Church
- 21st June - First Holy Communion